BlackBerry: Moving Or Copying Files (SDcard & Internal) MADE EASY!

Please take note that a media card is required to complete the instructions in this document. To transfer content between the media card and device memory on the BlackBerry smartphone, complete the following steps: For BlackBerry Device Software 4.2 to 5.0:From the Home screen of the BlackBerry smartphone, click Media.*.Display the menu and select Explore. The file system appears. *.Navigate to the location of the file on the Device Memory / Media Card. *.Highlight the file that has to be moved.*.Display the menu and select Move. The Select dialog box appears.*.Navigate to the location where the file will be moved in the device memory.*.Display the menu and select Move Here. The file is then moved to the location that is selected. For BlackBerry Device Software 6.0 to 7.0: From the Home screen of the BlackBerry smartphone, click Media.*.Display the menu and select Explore. The file system appears. *.Navigate to the location of the file on the Device Memory / Media Card.*.Highlight the file that has to be moved. Select the option to Cut or to Copy, depending on if the file is to be transferred completely or duplicated, respectively.*.Navigated to the location on the Device Memory / Media Card where the file is to be moved to. *.Display the menu and select the option to Paste. The file is then moved to the location specified For BlackBerry smartphone users with Mac computers, without devices possessing on-board device storage, it is necessary to move media files from the device memory to the media card in order to be able to transfer them to the Computer; media files cannot be transferred from the computer to the device memory either. For BlackBerry smartphone users with Windows computers, BlackBerry Desktop Software 6.1 now supports the transfer of files to the device memory. This was previous supported using the Roxio media manager software on versions of BlackBerry Desktop Software prior to 6.0. Source: TechFect
